Solutions for Enterprise Asset Management

Enterprise Asset Management

Apply the leading Enterprise Asset Management in your business, reducing costs and asset downtime.

Monitor your assets

Centralize and visualize all your IoT data in one place. Monitor your assets using anomaly detection powered by IA.

Visual inspection
Analyze visual inspection data

Find anomalies and perform automated visual inspection in your assets using Computer Vision and AI.

Asset health monitoring

Focos on critical assets and closely manage their health. Identify the remaining useful life and plan new investments.

Powerful predictive analysis

Predict asset failures using the most effective AI algorithms, without needing a data scientist.

Visual work planning

Use the Graphical Scheduling application to manage and schedule work and resources at your organization.

Maximo Mobile
Mobility powered by AI

Bring MAXIMO to the field and gather asset data from anywhere.

Provide AI-powered guidance

Maximo Assist helps to reduce the time that is required to diagnose and repair equipment problems.

Solutions in Business Data Analytics

Improve your decision-making process

Apply data-driven management for better decision-making. Deepen the knowledge of your own business by using data analytics and improve efficiency.

Improve your assets health through data analysis

Using state of the art machine learning algorithms, we can help you predict asset failure, estimate the remaining useful life and optimize investments.